Je suis Mr Amadou Oury BAH, Premier Ministre et Chef du Gouvernement de la République de Guinée

Les défis sont énormes, mais je suis persuadé que nous sommes collectivement capables de restaurer l'espoir et la confiance, ouvrant ainsi la voie à un avenir proche radieux pour la Guinée.

Mr Amadou Oury, Premier MInstre et president fondateur de l'UDRG

Hello, I am Tony Forleo, A 30 Year Old Award Winning Angel Investor And Writer Based In the USA. I Enjoy Coming Up With New Ideas And Bringing Them To Life. Invest In Your Wildest Ideas By Sharing It With Me.

Welcome to my personal portfolio website. Here I share my journey through being the next business tycoon. I have already crossed a long way through ups and downs to reach my goal. Now I’ve been investing as an angel investor to help small ventures succeed. I’m paving the way for my surrounding businesses and hoping to create a business ecosystem where all of the individual businesses supercharge the others for a better result. Keeping this in mind, I have been creating insightful and relevant content to help people as a business advisor.

Welcome to my personal portfolio website. Here I share my journey through being the nest

I’m Investing In Many Online Startups As Well. Here Are Some Of The Recent Companies That I Have Invested In.

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I Provide Exquisite Business Advice And Invest In Tomorrow’s Leaders


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